SC - Chambord

Michael F. Gunter michael.gunter at
Mon Apr 24 09:38:17 PDT 2000

Baltahzar writes:
> What makes us think they didn't have food fights?  Consider:  Lots of people, 
> lots of wine, and lots of food...


Only one or two full outfits in the entire wardrobe...
Washing done entirely by slapping with a wood paddle...
A wool cloak the equivalent of a months labor...
Lots of people with real swords, and knowing how to use them...
Powerful people entirely concerned with "face" and personal standing in court...
Position at Feasts being the chief method of showing status in a highly status conscious society...
Loss of dignity being equated with ineffectiveness...
Feasts being highly formalized societal events...
Challenges to the death for lesser offenses common...

no reason not to throw that Leche lumbardys...
none at all...



Think "Feast = Your Sisters Wedding" and you might get the idea of how
important in a person's social life feasts were, and how likely a person would 
toss that gobbet of Venysoun in Cameline Sauce.

Where do you manage to get such arrant supposition?
Watching Roger Corman videos? 


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