Subject: Re: SC - Flaming Slamander (was Books on the shelf) grizly at
Fri Apr 28 09:01:06 PDT 2000

Hello Calico,

Welcome to the Cook's list. I think you will find it interesting and
educational. I know I certainly have and it has grown far beyond what
I origionally envisioned for it to be.

> So here goes.  I am a loyal subject in the Kingdom
> of Avalon.  I'll come clean it's not an SCA group although we have a lot of
> crossover.

There is absolutely no problem with this. The list is open to everyone who
is interested in historical cookery. I've even contacted people from other
organizations in the hope of getting more members. You don't even have
to be in any re-creation style group to be welcome. The only warning is
that probably 90% of the list is SCA so sometimes we get into topics that
non-scadians may find a bit confusing.

> I'm a fighter at heart (insert boo's) :-]

Um. Anybody that "boos" fighters on this list would probably get booted.
There are several members of this list that have been known to don armor
upon occasion.

> I still can't do decent baked goods:-[

That's okay. Neither can I. But we do have a couple of people on here who
are some of the finest baking authorities I've ever met.

> I'm hoping to gather some recipes and fatten up a few of my fellow fighters

That's a noble goal, but you must remember something that I have discovered
from fighting for the past 16 years. The bigger they are, the harder they hit.

> Have fun - Calico

You do the same.


Evil List Administrator

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