SC - Puck's favorite Asparagus- OOP and definitely OT now

Christi Rigby crigby at
Fri Apr 28 18:35:12 PDT 2000

Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 19:42:55 EDT
From: Morgana Abbey <morgana.abbey at>
Subject: Re: SC - Documented Substitutions (Long)

Would it make people feel better if we rename every recipe when we make
even the tiniest change?

- ---
  Speaking as a person interested in authenticity, yes, it would make me feel a
whole lot better.  You can say that this dish might have been made in 1329 in
France.  But you can't say that this exact dish was definitely made in 1329 in
France.  Even when working from a recipe you cannot say that without having a
time travel machine and we don't.
  The problems with not renaming something as peri-oid rather than period are
that you end up down the line people swearing that it is period, when they have
no proof.  And once you have that happening, you no longer have something that
perhaps is documentable to France in 1329.  Of course the goal of the SCA is
fun, not getting our chemises in a knot over whether or not it was 1328 or 1329
that they made this dish or whether they made it at all, but the idea is to
strive for accuracy while having fun.  Does it hurt so very much to say "I
don't know, it could have been but I don't have proof." Does it?

- -M

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