SC - bread pudding-OT-OOP LrdRas at
Sun Apr 30 20:02:48 PDT 2000

In most markets, merchants will charge what the market will bear.  If everyone else is getting another $1.50 per pound, then he ain't gonna miss his economic opportunity unless he has a darned good reason.  My last wax supplier had doubled his wax cost three years ago because some cosmetics companies were in a bidding war over a 'crop' just after the China honey tariff jump.  He had plenty and was not incurring any new costs, but had to get his price up to compete in the market at the time (price has since come back down).

niccolo difrancesco
(We get it for $70 for 60 lbs., so I'm gonna get a few 60's to store).

sca-cooks at wrote:
> Melbrigda commented:>>>>Well, fortunately, I buy organic honey from a local source who grows 
his own field of flowers for his bees and he has plenty! 

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