Katerine's attempt wasRe: SC - I CHALLENGE YOU...

Black Jade Black_Jade at bigpond.com
Wed Apr 5 22:32:50 PDT 2000

>"45. For to make bukkenade. Nym god fresch flesch, wat maner so yt be, &
>hew it in smale morselys, & seth yt wy(th) gode fresch buf; & cast
>(th)ereto gode myncyd onyons & gode spicerye, & alyth wy(th) eyryn, &
>boyle & dresse yt forth."
>"53. For to make a bukkenade, tak veel & boyle it. Tak (y)olkys of eggys
>& mak hem (th)ykke. Tak macis & powdre of gyngyuer & powdere of peper, &
>boyle it togedere & messe yt forth."

After I explained to my family why I ran out the door and to the market,
returning with veal.  That it really is no indicationof dissaproval on
having them as houseguests for a week......

I took a couple of veal steaks and minced then up as fine as I could
without actually putting them through a mincer.  I boiled the meat in about
1/2 cups of beef broth, skimming the stuff that rose to the top.  Then I
threw in one small finely chopped onion and some mace, ginger and pepper to
taste, simmered for about 15 minutes until everything was cooked and
thickened it with egg yolk.

It came out like a mildly spiced, fairly thin stew/soup, very fine in
texture due to the extra fine cutting. I also took a liberty and served it
over sippets, even though they were not originally mentioned.  Some of the
family screwed their nose up at the spices when I put them into the pot,
but even my Brother, who it the fussiest of eaters, liked it.

I felt justifed in using the broth although it didn't actually specify what
the liquid ingredient was, since I have seen very similar recipes using
broth instead of, or mixed with water.  I opted to use all stock rather
than a combination of stock and water to give a better, richer flavour and
also, I'm ashamed to admit it, because we had quite a bit of good beef
broth in the fridge at the time.

This is my first time redacting on the drop of a hat, so I would appreciate
any and all comments.  I know I probably got a whole lot wrong..
I also am in the habit of throwing spices in to taste rather than
measuring, so I can't provide measurements for those either.  However , all
in all I consider it a success since there wasn't any leftovers.  My Dad
even went back for seconds.

Not all I have to do is convince my family that I'm quite sane, despite the
fact I prepared a pot of stew in the middle of the afternoon and insisted
that everyone try it.
- -Katerine

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