SC - re:quince fruit

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Sat Apr 29 13:10:34 PDT 2000

Donna Kepner Ford wrote:
> I thought that a quince was poisonous.  Are they a member of the
> nightshade family?

No, they aren't poisonous, nor are they a member of the nightshade
family. They are related to pears, IIRC. It's just that you really don't
want to eat them unless they're properly cooked.

> If so, what cooking methods are necessary to render them edible?  Is it
> the seeds that are poisonous rather than the flesh?

The seeds aren't poisonous that I know of, but you cut them up like
apples or pears and shouldn't have the seeds in anyway. Quinces make
good jelly, and can be made up with pears or apples if you have enough
sugar. And they have lots and lots of pectin! I also seem to remember a
period recipe for a tart that calls for quinces, but I can't remember
where. Two Fifteenth c Cookery Books?


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