Goodbye (RANT) (Was: Re: SC - Is Arrowroot Period?)

Gretchen M Beck grm+ at
Wed Apr 5 09:39:15 PDT 2000

Excerpts from 4-Apr-100 Re: Goodbye (RANT)
(Was: Re.. CBlackwill at (1050*)

> >  It's a place to figure out what the high
> >  standard of medieval cooking is so you can decide where you measure up
> >  against the standard and where you want to measure up against it.  And,
> >  frankly, if the cooks here lower the standard because some or most or
> >  all of us don't measure up to it, we're doing a disservice to everyone
> >  on the list.

> Do'n't measure up?  Are we talking about the scholastic research department, 
> or the culinary skills department?    Clarify, please.  I would hate to think 
> that someone considers me a terrible cook because I can't recite the Pleyn 
> Delit from memory.  That would be horrible.

Ah, I meant the standard in research and recreation.   As is often
noted, some people are satisfied to use redactions, others insist on
doing their own, some have no problem mixing periodoid with period,
others want only recipes from original manuscripts, some substituted
ingrediants for a variety of reasons, others leave things out that they
can't get, while others don't fix something they can't get all period
all as-correct-as-possible ingrediants for.

 I have no doubt that I could happily eat just about anything that
anyone on this list prepared (the exceptions being stuff I just don't
eat like brussel sprouts -- always tasted like rotten cabbage to me no
matter what was done to it).

toodles, margaret

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