SC - Question on kosher

margali margali at
Fri Apr 14 15:17:57 PDT 2000

What is the difference in kosher and non kosher wine? I have really fond
memories of Mogen DAvid Concord Grape "Syrup" and will get it now and
then to reminisce...

Well, the gentle is really nice, and since we are going to open our camp
a bit more than last year, and there were some other dietary
considerations I am planning on making the soup pot froma specific
recipe and not admixing the leftovers unless they are from the same
ingredients as the original. The other thing I am doing towards  both
sanitation and vegan/kosher is getting a colorcoded cutting board set
from work[iirc 6 different boards so we can have meat, dairy, veggie,
chicken, fish and bread/doughs] and bringing lots of knives. I also got
given a case of quat saniitizing wipes[got to love vendors!] for wiping
down anything that comes in contact with the cooking surfaces.

I am also debating getting a wrapped set of fork, knife and spoon in
heavy plastic, and the fiber type of bowl and plate, and 16 oz hot/cold
cups so we dont have to wash dishes, just throw into the
would be nice to not have to deal with other than the cookwares.
TVP is kosher,  (my bag of tvp has a *heksher* on it)

>>>>> We occasionally will have a nice gentleman to the camp who keeps
 but not over-strictly[he was ok with the pot and utensils being well
between using for non kosher and cooking for him] and as I want to make
soup pot vegan, to provide protein I was wondering if I could provide
[cooked separately in a bit of vegan broth] to add to the serving.

ABSOLUTLY! It's very nice that you are going to the trouble!!

 >>>>Also-is almond milk made with wine or water kosher,>>>>

with water yes.  With wine, you would have to use a kosher wine.

>>>and could it be combined with the agar to make a no egg 'custard'y

Hope I've been helpful to you.

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