SC - Feast planning/Administration

DeeWolff at DeeWolff at
Thu Apr 6 14:12:54 PDT 2000

What are the requirements for the physical plant? 

At the very least, an oven , a sink, a cooler/fridge and table space to work.(I have done a feast in a closet from portable coolers(mine) with portable ovens(mine)  and a rest room to wash dishes in: YES< IT was horrible.....but the food was good and we managed to feed 80 people.It was for an event where they didn't know what to look for. I was a last minute recruit. I drove 4 hours away to help out this poor event steward, he learned and he is now an excellent cook himself!)

At the best: multiple ovens,walkin cooler and freezer, anything Hobart, an  industrial dishwasher, table space for ten people to work at comfortably. 

 Who chooses the menu: I usually work with the Event Steward and cater it to the event he/she foresees.

sets the ticket price:

 I work with the Steward on what amount of food he wants and how many people we are serving. Then we decide the cost.

How do the different groups handle the financials? (Cash 
 Advance, reimbursement, donation...) : 

Mostly reimbursement(I can float a somewhat large amount for a short time), but in events over 200 people, cash advance.

 How is the individual kitchen set up?  They are all different.

Is the kitchen open or closed? 

I like an open kitchen.
It encourages volunteers..."Come in and talk to me, oh, can you chop this while we are talking?" It also makes for a friendlier event.

Who handles the reservations, if there are any? 

The Event Steward and his "Gatekeeper"


Hope I helped !


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