OT - Re: SC - Re: saffron

Bonne of Traquair oftraquair at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 7 14:46:53 PDT 2000

>Yes, I do. We have evidence of that in the recipes which appear in widely
>varying times which have subtle and not so subtle changes. Forme of Curry 
>a number of manuscripts across a time span which shows varying degrees of
>changes to the same recipe.

in terms of my own feast cooking, this is where any allowable substitution 
can be done.  If I locate 3 or 4 versions then I can see that this or that 
sort of variation happened.  True, I'm ignoring that they may have happened 
over 100 years and two countries. But I'm still pretty new at this and I 
feel more comfortable trying to track down all the variations I can in order 
to learn as much as I can before cooking the dish. Doing it this way tuaght 
me that you can trace actual recipes from manuscript to manuscript based on 
changes and errors.   Of course then the Harpestaeng topic came up and that 
was very interesting to me.

Now, if my time and place theme for a feast were strictly defined as to time 
and place then I'd try to stick to minimal time/place appropriate resources. 
  But so far, I've done 'late period English with spanish and french 
influence" feast so using multiple resources was useful.  It has been a less 
useful technique for the 'vikings in ireland' themed event, the record is 
scanty and my time this past winter even more so.


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