SC - Chopping onions

Liam Fisher macdairi at
Wed Apr 12 19:49:37 PDT 2000

>>My grandmother used to place onions in the fridge (sealed in bag to
>losing any moisture) the night before using.  She said this causes the 
>to be thicker and not spray when cutting
>I use this method and find that my tears are significantly reduced.
>Does anyone else use / know of this method (and was she right about the
>"cold thickens juice" or is due to some other reaction??)

Actually it works quite well when handslicing onions, the onions natural 
defense is that when its cells are torn open, it releases
a sulfuric compound that when it reaches your eyes forms sulfuric
acid.  The vaporization point for this chemical is right around
60F.  Chilling the onions keeps the stuff in liquid form and less
is released and you can see.

When you are using a mechanized cutter, chilling the onions also
makes the tissues less crisp, so that there is more damage to the
onion as the blade goes through at the higher speed.  What happens
then is that when the onions then come to room temperature, they
release a lot more of the chemical, all at once and you or someone else gets 
gassed out.  Running cold water over freshly machined
onions will lessen this.

Also if you freeze onions before it release their chemicals, you'll
be in for a nasty suprise if you fry them in any way.

And if you use the goggle remedy, make sure you wash your hands and your 
face afterwards because you'll have it on your skin and your sweat will make 
acid just as easily.

:-) OK, I'm gone now.

- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
Cadoc MacDairi, Mountain Confederation, ACG
Shire of Abhainn Ciach Ghlaiss

C'thuhlu loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Be they boiled or baked or fried,
barbequed or on the side.
C'thulhu loves the little children of the world

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