SC - Fw: [Trimaris] Meat in a can (no, it's not aboutlistmeat)

Aldyth at Aldyth at
Sat Apr 15 13:27:48 PDT 2000

In a message dated 4/15/00 7:31:04 PM !!!First Boot!!!, sudnserv5 at 

<<   Also how vegan is vegan?  I have had people say that are vegan &
 they can or can't eat cheese; can or can't eat any Milk product; can or
 can't eat eggs; can or can't eat fish; even one person who objected to
 Honey as an animal by product.  There fore this challenge:  tell me a
 complete period feast of 3 removes with at least 2 courses per remove that
 would not have any dishes objectional to any vegan person. >>

It takes all kinds.  I have the people who say they are vegans, but will eat 
chicken or fish.  I would tend to think that being a strict vegetarian (after 
looking in vegetarian cookbooks) implies vegetables only.  No animal fat or 
animal byproduct. No milk, cheese, eggs, butter.  There are all kinds.  I 
would expect that  it would be hard to do a completely vegan course that is 
cuisine period.  I will do some looking and see what I come up with.


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