SC - Fw: pagans, OT, was: [Trimaris] Meat in a can

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at
Mon Apr 17 19:12:13 PDT 2000

    No, lots of people annoy me, and I do what I can to reciprocate the
favor. (annoyance should be a mutual thing . . .) It's just that the
overwhelming number of people who annoy me over PC food / animal rights /
aggressive vegan issues all tend to wear silver pentacles.
    On a side note, I have observed rather consistently that liberals (as a
general rule) tend to wear silver, whereas conservatives tend (once again,
as a general rule) to wear gold. I have found this to be a useful guideline
in making political jokes. Liberals tend to smolder, while conservatives
just squeak as their sphincters tighten . . .
    And then there are the days when I'll wear my 'Nuke the Gay Whales for
Christ' tee shirt just to get everyone going . . .

    Long live the Tyl Eulenspiegel Rabblerousing Society!

    Sieggy der Instigator

> Excuse me, I'd like to point out a slight fallacy in
> your reasoning: perhaps you only notice the silver
> pentacles worn by people who annoy you?  I know many
> silver-pentacle-wearers who not only don't read Mother
> Jones (prefering Science News), but keep their
> religious and dietary views to themselves.
> Sorry, I tried to be good, but biting my tongue that
> hard hurts...
> Back to the broom closet with Bertram.
> Dana/Ximena
> Silver-pentacle-wearing, omnivorous,
> non-PC-joke-enjoying omnitheist

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