SC - Looking for period crabmeat recipes - Non-member account

Cindy M. Renfrow cindy at
Fri Aug 4 12:55:17 PDT 2000

Trust me, List Poppa, most of this is relevant.

>>> AND just what is wrong with Twinkies?  He has such
>>> a cute butt.

Cupcake in B3R is just generally cute, but too modest to show his butt.  This could have amusing consequences!

Balthazar asked:

>>> ... couldn't we throw in a reference to Santa Claus or
>>> some other period gift-giving Saint or Holiday??

You have forgotten Saint Nicholas, wgho morphed into Santa Claus?  A long and tedious biography is at (look in the next-from-last paragraph), shorter ones are at and

Anyway, the CONCEPTS of collecting for the poor are certainly period, you just have to ignore the "Toys for Tots" name (which I like because it helps recognize the particular cause for that event) or come up with something that "sounds more periodish."

I do agree with Phlip that charitable causes should not be sprung on people.  If there's a discrete canister collecting for whatever, that's OK.  But if the event is supposed to raise money, food, or toys, then it should say so up front.

He also asked "How does letting a terminally ill child sit on the throne for a few hours relieve suffering or financial woes?"

Financial, probably not.  But treating the children as if they are normal, giving them some pleasure in their lives, and showing that despite the debilitating effects of disease they CAN have fun like "normal kids" -- or even better -- is a great boost to the child.  As some have noted, it can even have beneficial medical effects.

Don't forget the auction held in front of the Barn every year at Pennsic raising funds for medical research.  I have donated goods (this year, two handknit hats, lots of books, and a bunch of yarn) and made my bids (occasionally winning!).  I think that even the most rabid do-it-all-period folk can look at that in period terms and participate if they wish.

Korrin asked:

>>> Correct me if I am wrong but aren't Blueberrys new world?

It is believed that they are a form of the old-world bilberry.

Time to go slurp a medically-approved, if modern, smoothie now.

                            ---= Morgan


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