SC - Re: upholstery

Michael Newton melcnewt at
Sun Aug 13 11:29:04 PDT 2000

At 09:25 PM 8/12/00 -0700, you wrote:
>And that's another tiny peeve of mine:  I don't think
>there should be back-to-back entertainment all evening
>that completely usurps any opportunity for conversa-
>tion.  I particularly dislike people yelling "Please
>pray [sic] silence for the [entertainer]"; the enter-
>tainment itself should command attention.  Entertain-
>ment at feast should be used like seasoning in the
>food:  sparingly, for flavor.
>Berengaria, who loves good feasts
Ber, I'm usually helping entertain at feasts.  I play with a group of
musicians.  As far as I'm concerned, we are there to add to the flavor of
the feast, not to be entertainment as such.  I've seldom heard anyone
herald for silence at a feast I've attended, except when the next course is
announced (if done at all).  I have gone to specific tables and sang/played
for particular people (you know, the one's who aren't inclined to throw
food at me!) If folks are interested in hearing the music, they need to
(try) find seating near the musicians. Others more interested in visiting
should go ahead.  I do remember once when the King made a special request
for a song, the herald did ask for quiet, but that's the only time.  Leanna

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