SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #2512---TimTams et alles

Kay Loidolt mmkl at
Wed Aug 16 06:18:52 PDT 2000

Sue Clemenger wrote:
> OH, man, does that sound good! I've never seen anything like that in the
> U.S., although, god knows, my quiet little corner of Montana isn't
> exactly the food market capital of the world....Hmmm...are they an
> Aussie thing, or could I maybe whine at Canadian friends? Maybe some of
> you'd be willing to trade some dark chocolate ones for oh, say grains of
> paradise? <g>

As I say, I seem to recall seeing packages so labelled, alongside a lot
of other imports from around the English-Speaking-But-Not-American
world, all supposedly unavailable here. Maybe this is a deli owner who
has not been clued in on The Proper Order of things.

Why can't I get out of my mind the conversation in the script of a
recent episode of "Buffy, The Vampire Slayer", in which a British
vampire and a British watcher are arguing about who ate all the Weetabix?

Adamantius (who prefers Liu Petit Ecolier anyway)
- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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