Filo/phyllo-- was [Re: SC - duck and bread]

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Fri Aug 25 10:37:59 PDT 2000

- --- Susan Fox-Davis <selene at> wrote:
> Balthazar sez:
>> xtra duck fat?  Sounds like Confit makin's to me...

> Oh my that sounds good.  Say, there's a war next
> week here.  Got a good confit recipe?  I'm
> having trouble find one, for some reason.

Confit is actually one of the easiest things to make,
and no real recipe is needed.  It's a shame (and a
wonder) that it is not used more often  (aside from
expense, of course).

Get one whole duck (frozen is fine).  Cut it up into
"serving size" pieces (this means you choose how big
or small you want the pieces.  Seperate the leg and
thigh, or leave them's up to you).  Put
some thyme, salt, pepper and bay leaf in a mortar, and
smoosh it up real good.  Put the duck pieces in a
shallow bowl, rub the seasoning into them very well,
and stick some garlic cloves in between them (as many
as you like).  Wrap it up and let it refrigerate
overnight (24 hours is best).  Heat a large skillet,
and melt down about a pound of duck fat (or lard, if
you don't have enough duck fat yet...Manteca works
well for this, and is usually available in most
supermarkets).  Brown the duck pieces in the lard,
turning them until the are evenly browned.  Once they
are browned, cover the skillet and simmer slowly for
about an hour (they will be very tender at this
point...that's what you want.  The meat should be
falling off the bone).  When they are done, transfer
them to a crock or a bowl, and pour the fat over them
to COVER COMPLETELY (you may want to use some kind of
weight for this).  Let them cool to room temperature,
and then they are done!  They should last for about
two weeks at room temp, or much longer under
refrigeration.  When you are ready to use them, just
pull out a few pieces, scrape away a little of the
excess fat, and do whatever you want to with them.

So, essentially, the are bits of duck preserved in
fat...  It doesn't get much easier than that.

Balthazar of Blackmoor

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