SC - Elderflower tart Seton1355 at
Mon Aug 28 14:33:50 PDT 2000

"Michael F. Gunter" wrote:
> Siegfried Heydrich wrote:
> >     One thing that you could offer that would sell like mad would be a field
> > lunch - basically a bag lunch for fighters to take with them onto the field.
> I like the idea but would find one problem with it. That is all of these
> fighters
> taking out a "sack lunch" on the field or in the woods would then have the
> piece of cloth, bag or whatever left over. Now 90% of the fighters would
> most likely stuff it in a vambrace or boot to dispose of at the nearest trash
> can. But there would be that 10% who just tosses it down once they are
> finished. This could cause problems and make other people have to clean up
> the additional litter. And in a Woods Battle this could be a real problem.

How about a $1 deposit on a cloth bag? Or whatever is suitable, provided
that it is more thsan the value of the actual bag. If people want to be
idjits, they lose their dollar for their sloppiness, and kids will go
looking for them on the ground. Of course, then there's laundry involved.
Me, I'd sell pottages only in disposable bowls, or let people bring
their own, provided there was a measurable serving for their money, and
small pies as well. One of the pitfalls often found in the restaurant
business is the desire to have too large and all-encompassing a menu,
and you'll note that diners, with their 35-page menus, generally don't
do any of it really well. It would also cut down on equipment, even if
the menu varied from day to day within the pottages and pies restraints.

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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