SC - Re: Period cookshop at Pennsic?

Jenne Heise jenne at
Tue Aug 29 16:12:47 PDT 2000

I know how I would go about doing it, I would take a clear glass tumbler, and
measure into it the various amounts and mark the level of each. Then I would go
back to the glassmaker, preferrably the one I had bought the glass tumbler from,
just to make it esy...and then comission him to make a glass tumbler just the
same with the markings inherent...or as I have a kiln and an ability to use
molds I would take as an example my miniature ginger jar mold [it is supposed to
be for a salt/pepper shaker, the hole is in the bottom but I can work around
that] and make one and fire it. I would then fill it with the first measurement,
and mark it. Knowing where the first measurement is, I could make a new one and
silmply cut it off just at or above the right measurement. Do this to another
until you have a graduated set, or just a pair of 1 ratl and 1 uqiya measures...

now i have incentive to go and get rob to hook up the kiln!

>     I tried to pay a glassmaker, a pottery maker, and a metalworker to make
> one of these for me... All stared and refused... Ah well.  If you succeed,
> please tell me how to do it... I would sincerely love to have one.
>     Khadijah bint Mika'il al-Zarqiyya'

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