SC - Translation Help - Italian

E. Rain raghead at
Mon Aug 21 18:15:32 PDT 2000

Hello from Eden,
John le Burguillun asks for some help with Italian translations.

> I'm having a similar problem with the feast menus in Scully's
> new book.
> I've been using 2 Italian-English and 2 Latin-English books,
> along with
> attempts on several translation websites.  I'm getting most of it, but
> there are some words/phrases that just aren't making it. The most
> aggrievating one is "Aqua Odorifera Ale Mane," because it appears as a
> course heading in 4 of the menus. The best I can guess is Aqua=water,
> Odori=fragrent, referring to herbs and spices, Ale=?,
> Mane=morning.  The
> only thing I get from the translation programs is "Aqua Odorifera Mane
> Wing."

this would be "scented water for the hands".
ale = a le = for the
mane is a variant of mani, the plural of mano - hand

> Another problem is "In Tace," i.e. "Capon De Latte In Tace."

Dana, made the same first guess I did, that Tace was a variant of Tasse
which means cups, However in Italian the C, when followed by an E, is not
the English S sound, but CH, so this may not be the case.  There is also the
verb Tacere to conceal, to be silent, to keep secret, which could lead to
the concept of "chicken made secretly of milk"  but  I think the real answer
is the verb intaccare "to cleave, to hewe..." per Florio (1598).

>I am
> guessing that "Ficatelli" means something like fricasse {Ficatelli De
> Capreto}, for lack of any other option.

Adamantius was very close, Ficatelli or fegatelli is not liver alone, but
sausages of liver - eww!

>"Sumata" is some unknown type
> of salted meat,

Somata or sommata is "a kind of meate made of the paps of a sow, powdered
and broyled" according to Florio, but Scully translates it much more
harmlessly as Salt loin of Pork

>I'm guessing "Lengue" is tongue, and there are a few
> roasted meats lying around, such as Signale, Quaglie {quail?}, Anatre,
> and Zonchata that remain unidentified.

quail & tongue you have right.
Anatre = ducks
Zonchata I would guess to be a variant of gioncata or junket.
 but Signale completely baffles me, nothing in any of my sources other than
the obvious signal which is not a food, can you post the full text on this,
or the surrounding titles?

that was fun - any other italian puzzles?

WARNING: Dates on the calendar are closer than they appear!

Eden Rain
raghead at

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