Clotilda Suessionensis clotild_of_soissons at
Thu Aug 31 10:51:19 PDT 2000


> I saved this recipe when Clotild of Soissons posted
> it and now I have some 
> questions if you please,

I'll do my best to answer.

> 1> Can humans eat catnip?  I thought it was
> poisonous for humans.  And 
> anyway, I don't have catnip nor pennyroyal.  Never
> having tasted either, are 
> there any suggestions on what to use to replace it?

So far as I know, catnip is not poisonous.  I've not
tasted pennyroyal, but the flavor of catnip is
somewhat minty.  You could replace it with mint but
cut the amount back - WAY back.  (I did a trial run
with mint and the recipe tasted "minty fresh" - not
what I expect of beef.)

> 2> What is spiknard and costmary?  And never having
> tasted either what can I 
> use to replace these flavors?

Spikenard is quite bitter, and it's a relative of
valerian, but not having tasted valerian, I can't tell
you how similar they are.  Costmary tastes like a
bitter mint.  Again, catnip would be a reasonable

Anyone else know of mint-ish herbs with a bitter edge
that might be more readily available?

- - Clotild

Clotilda Suessionensis
Shire of the Storm
Kingdom of Trimaris

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