SC - Re: A question of re-creation

DeSevyngy at DeSevyngy at
Wed Aug 2 15:25:37 PDT 2000

In a message dated 7/28/00 1:27:49 PM Mountain Daylight Time, LadyPDC at 

<< A lady in my kingdom is trying to put together training for judges and I 
 think that this would be most helpful.  However, in the end it is our 
 responsibility as entrants to "educate" whomever might read our 
 as to the project which we have created.

She's managed to bring this to the attention of still more folks, but this 
time without using my name in vain! *wink*  I would be that lady in question 
and some of my opinions on judging A&S give folks the evil willy jillies.  
But, for the sake of clarification.  Here are some of my views as they 
pertain to this thread (please forgive if they ramble, I quit smoking about 
12 hours ago):

In the question of a loaf of bread entered into a competition.  Was the flour 
hand ground, by the artist?  No? No problem.  Yes?  Great, the bread was made 
with a very close approximation of a period ingredient, extra point.  Why?  
The difference is in the answer to the first question.  If the artist didn't 
grind the flour themselves, not a problem.  The point is, was it ground in a 
period manner?  If it was, I don't care how the artist got it.  Beg, borrow 
steal or make, was the ingredient a close approximation to the period 
ingredient?  If it is, they are going to get one more point to the identical 
loaf made with modern flour, wether they ground it or if it was bought from 
someone who did.  You see, I'm judging from the standpoint of "Is this bread 
a good representation of a period loaf of bread?" not "Is this artist a good 
representation of a period baker?"

Also Balthazar of Blackmoor wrote:


Yes, it's known as a Cranial Anal Insertion Requiring Translucent 
Polyurathane Abdominal Replacement Covering To Assure Visual Acuity.  *wink*

<<THAT's what really gets my goat... uninformed "experts".  Did you ask this 
woman if SHE knew how to make period pigments and paints?  How many of her 
loved ones became sick or died due to the close proximity or handling of 
these (sometimes) VERY toxic ingredients?  I'm experimenting with the same 
stuff right now, and I can tell you from experience, there are a few "period" 
paints and pigments which I simply WILL NOT use, regardless of whether or not 
it will make the item more authentic.  Copper, for instance... I don't know 
about you, but inhaling arsenic gas while hunched over a scribbling table 
just isn't my cuppa...  Maybe the "expert" should try it a few times...>>

Ah, but maybe they DID, hence the silly drivel escaping their lips?

Alright, I REALLY want a smoke right now!

Well, I listened to this thread with enthusiasm for the many different views 
represented here.  Glad to see them because diversity in views allows for 
diversity in our group.  While we'd all like to shoot a few grumpy or idiotic 
judges, for the most part, we do pretty darn good for a group of amatures 
(nod to those professionals in our midst- this IS a mostly hobby group).  

Incidentaly Marcello wrote about Gwynydd's remark:
<<> Gwynydd (the seriously humble - and musing on whether a kidnapping
> attempt
> from over the seas would be successful...)

Ooh, think that one again! No mortal stands a chance against Marcello
and the Meow Sisters!>>

If they got through you, they'd have to get through me, too.  I am the self 
appointed Constance Guard.  I won't even let her out of the house to mow her 
lawn!! (Bad for her health, not because I'm mean)

On yet another note:
Jadwiga Zajaczkowa wrote:

<<I'm struggling with ways to make this both useful and encouraging for the
competitors (two things I can see will make a difference is having enough
judges so that they have plenty of time to write comments; and I'm
thinking of not letting judges have the sheets with the numbers until they
have filled out their comments sheets). Any other suggestions would be

Actually, after I was injured when a stunt ride went bad, I had alot of time 
on my hands.  I couldn't fight, Grrrr.  Anyhow, I figured that Judging was as 
much an Art as a Science and that I was bone-headed enough to state this in 
public.  I have taught classes on Judging and have participated in too many 
A&S competitions, as well as participting in the tweaking of Kingdom Law as 
applies to Arts and Sciences, and helping run several Baronial level A&S 
competitions.  I look for unique solutions to problems with how we, as a 
group, hold competitions, after all we need to stay friends after those score 
sheets are tallied.  I would be more than happy to share my experiences with 
you.  Feel free to e-mail me privately.  I think it would 
be a cumbersom thread for a food list, but a great private conversation.  We 
can even setup to include others in a mutual conversation.  

Anyone interested, just e-mail me.

Off to grouse about not being able to go inhale.


HL Isabeau de Sevyngy
Squired to Sir Sakura kita No Maikeru
Shire of Gryphons Lair

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