SC - Translation Help - Italian

TG gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Tue Aug 22 17:03:56 PDT 2000

Eden, on the way to a nap, wrote:
<< what is Battaglia? >>

S. Battaglia: Grande dizionario de la lingua Italiana. Torino 1961ff.

The biggest dictionary of the Italian language and its history I know.
The first volume was published in 1961. Up to now they have 19 volumes
at the letter "T". This dictionary is a sufficient motif to become a
rich man...

<< Somata or sommata is "a kind of meate made of the paps of a sow,
powdered and broyled" according to Florio, but Scully translates it much
more harmlessly as Salt loin of Pork >>

In November 1999 we had a small thread on sommata on this list, and I
collected instances of the use since. Here is what I have:

- -- Battaglia XIX 380b: 'Lonza o parte ventrale della scrofa, conservato
sotto sale e consumata come vivanda' -- follow several old quotations.

- -- Bertoluzza p. 59: Recipe for making _somata_ in the Riva del Garda
Ms. of Maestro Martiono; the same recipe #38 in Benporat:

38. Per fare una somata principalmente non volle esse troppo grassa et
volle esse rossa cocta nel modo del presuto et similmente le lingue et
quanto piu e grassa tanto piu e megliore e volleno esser uno pocho
piu cocte chel persuto et cossi ogni altro sallato vole esse cocto in

In addition _somata_ is mentioned in the carbonata-recipe of the same

23. Per fare carbonata de carne sallata togli la carne sallata
nela padella et non la lassare troppo et notta che la carne debe esse
et magra dapoy mittella in uno piattello e gettalli sopra uno pocho de
aceto e de zucharo et de canella et de petroseno tagliato menuto e
poy fare de somata e de presuto zonzendoli in cambio de aceto
sugo de naranze o de limoni o quelo che più te piace et tarate meglio

- -- In the Faccioli-edition of the New York-Manuscript in 'Arte della
cucina' (which you have), the dish is called _sinnata_. Scully says,
that Faccioli "misread" the term. However, if you look at the manuscript
in the Montorfano-Facsimile, it seems not so clear to me if the word
should be read "sinnata" or "sumata"; the word in the manuscript looks
more like "sinnata", even if the parallel texts suggest, that the
_correct_ or original form would have been "sumata". But this is a minor

- -- Messisbugo 1557 mentions the dish, e.g. 4a.

- -- Cuoco Napoletano: #86, and p. 92, 94, 97, 100, 102

- -- Scappi: fol. 174a, 179a, 183b, 186b, 349a (important passage: "latte
di capra, & sommata, o zinna di uaccina"), 350a

BUT as far as I can see, these places give no clear clues as to the main
ingredient of the dish (pig's loin or udder); in the footnotes, there
are boths views: 'lonza salata di maiale' and 'mammela della scrofa'
(Montorfano on _summata_ and _sinnata_). There are the views, but -- as
far as I can see -- no convincing reasons for backing up these views.

The Florio-quotation is a valuable contribution to my collection! Thank
you very much!


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