SC - Looking for period crabmeat recipes - Non-member account

Michael F. Gunter michael.gunter at
Fri Aug 4 10:22:28 PDT 2000

Several weeks ago I bought about half-a-dozen cans of
crabmeat when I saw them on sale. I specifically had
in mind using them in a period recipe when I bought them.

However, last night when I decided I wanted to try a
period crabmeat recipe for dinner, I couldn't find a
recipe. I've looked in the seafood-msg file in my
Florilegium (and some of you thought I had everything in
there. :-) ) and all my period cookbooks including ones
like "Take a Thousand Eggs", "Pleyn Delit", "Curye on Inglysch",
"the Medieval Cookbook" and a few others I can't remember
right now.  I didn't bother with "Fabulous Feasts" or
"Take a Buttock of Beef".

There was a brief mention of crabmeat in my seafood file, but
otherwise I've found nothing. Nada.

Now, I was mostly using the book indexes and some of these
are poor or non-existant. But it's hard to believe there
aren't any period recipes using crabmeat.

So anyone have any resources to recommend? Or have some
recipes using crabmeat they would like to post?

  Stefan li Rous
  stefan at (writing from my work address)

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