SC - Butterscotch flavor

BalthazarBlack at BalthazarBlack at
Sun Aug 13 09:32:06 PDT 2000

In a message dated 8/13/00 6:51:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, htackett at 

> The easiest way is make a good desert sauce and use it as your base for your
>  Cordial. This is how I make my Carmel Nut Cordial.
>  Make a Good Butterscotch Sauce (from your faviorite recipe).

Allright, folks...I'm stumped.  I have made butterscotch sauce for years, and 
have always "remembered" that the difference between caramel and butterscotch 
is the addition of cider vinegar.  Now, I haven't made it for awhile, and so 
decided to go to my many, many reference books for a refresher before posting 
the recipe here.  Of course, now that I have spent two hours thumbing through 
about 200 texts, I can find no recipe which references the use of any kind of 
vinegar to make butterscotch.  What gives??  Does ANYBODY seem to recall a 
butterscotch recipe which calls for vinegar?
This is embarrassing, folks.  I am a professional Chef, and have spent two 
decades studying this stuff... could it be that I have been goofing up my 
butterscotch sauce all these years??  If anyone has a copy of Professional 
Baking by Wayne Gisslen, could you check that book for me?  I used to have 
it, but when I took over for the Chef at a local Hotel, he walked out with 
two of my most expensive cookbooks.  Professional Baking was one of them.

Sheesh!  I need to know...

Balthazar of Blackmoor

In the mornin' I go walking, 'cause it helps the hurtin' soften.  I've seen a 
lot of places, 'cause I miss her very often.

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