SC - Period cookshop at Pennsic?

Jeff Gedney JGedney at
Tue Aug 29 06:53:20 PDT 2000

> there is, I hope that most will
> conceed, a difference between not making an effort for authenticity simply
> because it is inconvenient and acceding to practical considerations.  and I
> hope that most of us would also  have the gracious nature not to disparage
> those whose practical considerations might be different from our own.
Hear!! Bloody Hear!!
Absolutely. If we seek to present a Period Storfron, and thus turn away 
perfectly useful and enthusiastic counter help simply because of things like
this we are letting our desire for good period recreation overwhelm our better 
judgement. And, in His Grace's immortal phrase "letting the best be the 
enemy of the good".
I think we should concentrate only on the food, and not give a damn 
on what we serve it, or what garb/etc is the property of the one who 
serves it. After all, part of our problem with acceptance of Period food is the
perception ( as incorrect as it may be ) that period foods are the provenance
of authenticity snobs, and not necessarily fun or tasty.
so what if we cook the frittures in a gas fired Fryolator, the effect is the 
same, it is cooked in hot oil. So what if the bread is not baked in a mass
oven, the bread still gets baked. 
lets not lose track of the true purposes of such an enterprise.
1) To show people what we know, period food can be approachable 
and tasty.
2) to make some money, so we can continue the enterprise

Anything that inherently limits our audience or our staff runs at 
cross purposes to such an enterprise, and needs to be very well 
considered before we implement it. Garb/prescription/whatever snarking
doesn't help any aspect of this at all.

We should be as open and approachable as possible. 
We should wear garb that is safe in a food preparation environment
(especially around open flames, and choppping blocks), and is 
suitable to the current environmental conditions.
we should be able to see our preparation and eat our own product
without risk of insulin shock, allergic reaction or whatever.


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