SC - Re: upholstery

BalthazarBlack at BalthazarBlack at
Thu Aug 10 09:35:31 PDT 2000

In a message dated 8/9/00 7:35:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, troy at 

> > Silly, thats why the body goes in the trunk!  If blood leaks out from the
>  > tarp that wraps the body, you just remove the liner and replace it.
>  But we don't want to get blood on all of Bal's cookbooks.

Well, I finally got around to moving those books out of my trunk!  They are 
now sitting proudly in my bookcases at home (and on the floor, the table, and 
the computer desk...).  Turns out I really had no call to use them at my new 
job... you don't need a cookbook to make a French Dip and a Club Sandwich for 
a bunch of drunk, lazy golfers, after all...

Sheesh!  Two decades of culinary research, wasted.  Ain't that a kick in the 

Balthazar of Blackmoor
(who starts a NEW new job in two weeks... $20.95 per hour, and weekends 
OFF!!!  No more missed Wars for this Chef..)

In the mornin' I go walking, 'cause it helps the hurtin' soften.  I've seen a 
lot of places, 'cause I miss her very often.

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