SC - olives in period spanish recipes?

Alistair Ramsden alistair_ramsden at
Wed Dec 6 13:51:15 PST 2000

Baked elephant's foot!
The best oven for this purpose is a hole in the ground which should be dug 
with perpendicular sides like a well, about 2 1/2 feet in dimeter and nearly 
four feet deep. The sides should be well smeared or plastered with tempered 
clay or mud, rubbed perfectly smooth and allowed to dry. A fire should be 
lighted at the bottom and this should be gradually fed until it blazes high 
above the surface, fresh fuel being constantly added until the hole should 
become half filled with glowing embers.
The elephant's foot should be well washed and then laid with the sole upon 
the embers while still wet. The hole should be then closed in the following 
manner, as succes will depend upon its being effectually stopped.
Some strong bars of green wood must be laid across close together; upon 
these, crossways, some smaller greenwood sticks should be arranged. This lid 
should be covered by some wetted green grass, or leaves, and the mass should 
be well pressed together. Weted earth, tempered to the consistency of clay, 
should be beaten upon the grass until it becomes thick and solid, after 
which earth must be shoveled upon the mound and stamped firmly down until it 
resembles an ordinary grave in a churchyard. If this is well watered and 
well beaten by a spade it will form a covering that will prevent the escape 
of heat, and after 36 hours, when opened, the oven will be found thoroughly 
hot, while the elephant's foot will be deliciously cooked. The horny sole 
will detach like a shoe from a human foot, exposing a delicate white surface 
like a silk stocking. This is thoroughly good eating when hot; with oil and 
vinegar when cold.**
Enjoy...if needed, I can supply a delightful Zebra stew recipe...or how 
about Buffalo Tongue in aspic???

**Medlin, Faith. "A Gourmet's Book of Beasts." New York. Paul S. Eriksson, 
ISBN 0-8397-3051-9 For those who can't live without copy!

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