SC - period frog recipes?

lilinah at lilinah at
Fri Dec 8 12:53:25 PST 2000

Eden wrote:
>Ok first, Eww!  The French will eat just anything disgusting  which is very
>confusing when they also produce some of the greatest food in the world...

I guess you don't know what you're missing. Frog legs are yummy, 
yummy, yummy, they're so good in my tummy...

>And more relevantly, assuming your definition of Period stretches that far
>LaVarenne has a recipe:
>from the 1654 English translation
>Tourte of Frogs
>pass the great legs in the pan with good butter very fresh, mushrooms,
>parsley, hartichoks sod and cut, and capers, all well seasoned, put it into
>a sheet of fine or puft paste, and bake it; after it is baked, serve it
>oncovered with a white sauce.

My gawd, this sounds delicious. I may have to try to make this some 
time. Thank you so much for posting it!

BTW, what does "sod" mean? washed?

And where can one find a copy of La Varenne. Seems to have some good 
recipes. I'm using one in my feast , the turnips in mustard sauce - 
basically par boil, then drain the turnips, then cook them in fresh 
water until done and serve with mustard sauce - seems like it 
wouldn't be out of place in the late 16th c.

Oh, and does anyone know where i can find a late period mustard sauce 
recipe? I was thinking of taking store-bought Dijon and adding some 
white wine and honey and some spices... Does this sound reasonable or 
am i talking through my hat?


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