Recipe repost: Carrot candy ( was Re: SC - New toys) harper at
Fri Dec 15 17:41:17 PST 2000

<< Several days ago there was mention of a period sea otter recipe. ...
I would very much like this recipe for my collection. >>

To sweeten your time waiting for the sea otter recipe mentioned from La
Varenne 1651, here is a passage on the consumption of otters and a
recipe for otter's tail from German sources together with a rough
English translation:

1. Conrad Gessner, Book of animals, 1563
'About the otter. (...)
About its flesch.
The flesh of the otter should not be used for human consumption because
it is of cold complexion (humorally) and stinking. However, it is
reported that they are prepared by several Germans for food/culinary
use, and that they are allowed for consumption to the Carthusian monks,
who are not allowed to eat (many) other kinds of meat/flesh.'

The original text:
"Von dem Otter. (...)
Von seinem fleisch.
DAs fleisch des Otters sol nit in die speyß genommen werden: dann es ist
kalter complexion vnd stinckend: doch söllend sy von etlichen Teütschen
zuo der speyß bereitet werden/ auch den Carthusianer München erlaubt/
welchen sunst allerley fleisch verbotten ist." (fol. 129)

2. A recipe for otter's tail from Maister Hanns' cookbook 1460

'How to fry/roast otter's tail.
Further: to fry/roast an otter's tail, take the parts of it that are
fat. You must prepare it. When it is almost fried/roasted, sprinkle with
ginger and pepper and fry/roast it until done. Serve it forth.'

"wie man ain otter schwanncz sol praten
Item ain otter schwanncz zue praten, Nym jn als verre er vaist sej du
solt jn beraitten. So er vil nahennd ist gepraten So bespreng jn mit
ymber vnd mit pfeffer vnd prat jn volen vnd gib jn hin". (# 56).

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