SC - Sauce for Sausage?

Alistair Ramsden alistair_ramsden at
Sat Dec 9 16:53:30 PST 2000

>Alistair aka Stefano wrote:
>>Why not cook the sausages same as last year (tradition! good grief!
>>whatever will they think of next?!) and cook the turnips in
>>something else?

>This is basically a traditional feast. It has been going on for 15
>years. I have copies of menus since 1992. Sausages are served every
>year. Pork is roasted every year. At least one dish contains turnips
>every year. And there are other traditional foods. Only one thing
>must be cooked the same way every year: the gingered apples that they
>invented at the first feast - am doing them a little differently this
>year: i'm using candied ginger.

Wa-hoo. I stand corrected - sorry, I live in the SCAdian outback (actually, 
only about two hours drive from the real outback!) and detailed tradition as 
you describe is almost mythological out here...

>>There is the oft repeated but delicious turnips in their armour,
>>which is sliced parboiled turnips layered with cheese and then baked like 
>>oven fries or nachos.

>Oh, yeah, well, since i live at SCA Ground Zero (West, Mists, Mists), and i 
>know several people who have been members since the >SCA's very first year 
>("when rocks were soft"), you can believe me >when i say that i have been 
>requested NOT to cook armored turnips >AGAIN.

>Still seeking sausage sauce,

No worries. Cogito. Sausage sauce, sausage sauce... how about shell beans 
with bacon? Savoury apple? Sweet and sour and onions? Garlic, ginger, cumin, 
coriander, and pepper? Roux, cream and mushrooms/ or herbs/ or asparagus? If 
you're doing a late C16th feast (?), tomato, vinegar, salt and pepper? (See 
Gerard's herbal for a description of tomatoes as prepared by the sexy 
spaniards c.1597.)

Alistair aka Stefano

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