SC - Boar's Hunt Feast

david friedman ddfr at
Tue Dec 12 09:55:19 PST 2000

At 8:20 AM -0800 12/11/00, lilinah at wrote:

>I made way too much of some things - i guess when i multiplied the 
>recipes up, i often didn't take into account the fact that there are 
>so many dishes. However, 80-85 diners consumed 168 sausages, 36 lb. 
>of chicken breasts and thighs (well, there was one small baggie full 
>left over), and 40 lb boneless pork leg. (i noticed that one table 
>had brought a large plate of cold cuts, but it didn't look like they 
>eat any)

Our usual rule is to reduce each recipe to an amount of boneless meat 
per person and add it all up, figuring about a third of a pound per 
person with some adjustment for what else there is and how hungry you 
expect people to be. It sounds as though your diners ate more than 

>But they was too gooey and i hadn't bought enough, so we ended up 
>making a lot of our own anyway. But since i hadn't planned to make 
>it, it was kind of haphazard - we used a wine bottle as a rolling 

I've done that.

Sounds as though you had fun.
- -- 

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