SC - OOP- Devonshire or Clotted Cream from Joy of Cooking

Alex Wollangk orion at
Sat Dec 9 07:54:09 PST 2000

Found this in "The Joy of Cooking":

Devonshire or Clotted Cream
One of those regional specialties calling for certified unpasteurized cream.
In winter, let fresh cream stand 12 hours; in summer, about 6 hours, in a
heatproof dish.  Then put the cream on to heat - the lower the heat, the
better.  It must never boil, as this will coagulate the albumen and ruin
everything.  When small rings or undulations form on the surface, the cream
is sufficiently scalded.  Remove at once from the heat and store in a cold
place at least 12 hours.  Then skim the thick, clotted cream and serve it
very cold as a garnish for berries.


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