SC - What would you do?

Susan Fox-Davis selene at
Wed Dec 27 09:38:53 PST 2000

You have pushed one of my buttons here.  Strong words follow.

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa wrote:

> I have a related question. It's pretty much come to my attention that my
> local group is just never going to consider me ready for 'the big time'
> (running an event or a feast)-- there's always going to be one more hoop
> to jump through, for me and for others. ;) [Personality issues stink,
> don't they?]

Screw'em.  Twice.  If you want to cook a feast, declare a household event and
invite your friends.  Fancy lunch at a tournament or a house revel with feast,
something where you don't need the OK of the local no-'bility.   Show'em how
it's done right.  If Mistress Thang or Baron Snoot-in-the-air don't think you're
good enough, they're not the nobles they think they are and furthermore they'll
miss a great feed.

> Now, right now I certainly don't consider _myself_ ready to run a feast--
> I'd need LOTS more practice with period cooking and sit-down meals, since
> all my experience with SCA meal planning, preparation and serving has been
> dayboards. However, I kinda would like to consider it a goal to cook an
> SCA feast.
> But I get the impression that most groups object violently to having
> someone from outside the group cook a feast. Some groups even seem to
> impose other requirements (membership in a local cook's guild is one I've
> heard of). So, is this an impossible dream? Should I consider moving?
>  --

Well you should consider moving your allegience to another group who appreciates
your better qualities.  Location is only one of many considerations in group
association.  With the rise of the Internet and other forms of long-distance
communication/community, it becomes less relevant all the time where you
actually LIVE.  I actively seek out people interested in cooking and get them to
work with me on large cooking events in an informal "apprenticeship"
arrangement.  Isn't there a feast cook in your kingdom with whom you get along?
Get the experience you want and need, even if you have to travel.

I leave you with the wisdom of the goddess Nike:  Just do it!


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