SC - What would you do?

Tara Sersen tsersen at
Wed Dec 27 18:43:48 PST 2000

> I have a related question. It's pretty much come to my attention that my
> local group is just never going to consider me ready for 'the big time'
> (running an event or a feast)-- there's always going to be one more hoop
> to jump through, for me and for others. ;) [Personality issues stink,
> don't they?]


I would like to interject myself here to say I think you're entirely
mistaken.  You do have a number of friends in your shire, including
myself, who are confident about your abilities - would we have made you
Chatalaine if we thought you couldn't do anything right?

In the past, this shire was a bit stagnant about who did ANYTHING - one
person had cooked all the feasts, and people were afraid to let ANYONE
else try because, well, since one person did all the cooking, no one
else had a chance to gain experience...  Same with autocratting.  I'd
been frustrated by that in the past.  It was a vicious cycle, but it's
breaking!  The last couple feasts were done by people new to our

If I remember correctly, you did co-autocrat Johannesnacht and I heard
no complaints.  Your last lunch was awesome, and people definately did
take notice.  Have you asked to do a feast?  Your second paragraph leads
me to believe the answer is no.  Give us a chance!  

And, remember, there are always a half dozen people begging to do our
feasts, and we do mostly large, high-publicity events.  Even if people
are still cautious about feast experience, that doesn't mean you'll
never get your chance!  You've proven yourself well with your lunches. 
I don't think you'd be turned down if you asked to do a feast for a
small event, or co-feast a large event.

Everyone can count personality issues with somebody else, but I feel
that you're doing yourself and everyone else a disservice by assuming
(and telling other people) that your relationship with your entire shire
is so bad.  Believe it or not, we're glad for your help.

Now, I just got back from 2 1/2 hours at the gym.  I'm going to go find
a soft place to curl up and be cranky.  Good night!

Magdalena vander Brugghe

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