SC - Chocolate

lilinah at lilinah at
Tue Dec 5 10:53:35 PST 2000

I love chocolate. I am a chocoholic. Dark only and bittersweet - milk 
chocolate is right out.


What's the big deal with chocolate in the SCA? Seriously now, does 
anyone *really* have to eat chocolate 365 days per year? Can't people 
survive for a few weekends without it? If i go to one event per 
month, that's about 24 days out of the year - there are still 341 
days to eat chocolate in! If i go camping twice a month, which isn't 
really practicable most places, but just hypothetically, that's 52 
days potentially without chocolate - but i still have 313 days to eat 
it in.

Yes, i am interested in the history of chocolate. Yes, i have a copy 
of that close to period recipe for hot chocolate and found some 
chocolate nibs at the health food store, which i'll have to wait 
until next year to experiment with. Yes, i appreciate the probably 
OOP chocolate cream recipe and the definitely OOP chocolate keugel 
and other delicious chocolate recipes listees have posted.

But i still fail to see what's the big deal.

Anahita al-shazhiyya

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