SC - What would you do?

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Mon Dec 25 20:29:17 PST 2000


It helps if you were raised fundementalist, or live in the Bible Belt.
Think of it rather like a summit- one with MAdeline Albright sitting at
the end of the table between the two parties, and saying "Ok, I want all
the cards on the table. And no, sir, no more pizza breaks until this is
straightened out." (Hey- she scares me- reminds me of my middle school
science teacher).

It is likelythat whoever is dropping the ball is simply unaware of the
importance of the info getting out. A little three-way meeting to say
'this needs to happen and this is why- and I can't fo my job properly
without' if probably quite appropriate.

tomorrow I get to pick up my kids and have them all for the rest of the
week! Yay!

Sue Clemenger wrote:
> Come to jesus meeting? huh?
> --maire, wondering if this is one of those regional anthropological
> things...
> "Decker, Terry D." wrote:
> >
> > If the information is being left out before the announcement is sent to the
> > Blackstar, I would suggest a little "Come To Jesus" meeting with whoever is
> > doing the announcements and your local seneschal.

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