SC - Tidbits

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Sat Feb 5 18:21:13 PST 2000

"James F. Johnson" wrote:
> I was just watching a PBS cooking show, "Cut up & Cook", 

Was this the guy that we saw on Jay Leno a couple of weeks ago?
> He also mentioned a cleaning practice used at a butcher shop he worked
> at, where they would wash and scrape off the butcher blocks at night,
> then he had the job of salting them. Salting involved cutting lemons in
> halve and scrubbing the block with them, them pouring on a thick layer
> of salt (say 1/8 inch or 3-4mm) and letting it sit over night. It was
> washed off in the morning. Seems like a suitable practice for an SCA
> camp, versus chlorine bleach and mundane soaps. Anyone heard of a period
> cleaning practice like this? I wonder if vinegar would work as well.
> Almost sounds like you're pickling the block.

I don't know about vinegar, but salt and lemons is a real popular
combination in the 'old wives' sort of cleaners. Better for teh
environment too...
> Real tempted to get a pet hamster and call him Cuskynole. :)

_You_ can clean the cage ;-P

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