SC - Beaver? it's the other blue meat (was New World Foods-rant) lilinah at
Wed Feb 9 16:25:07 PST 2000

>lilinah at wrote:
> > bison (American buffalo)
>Along with the previous discussed beaver, bison is also both New (_Bison
>bison_0) and Old World (_Bison bonasus_). Mostly left in eastern Europe
>(the remaining herds straddle the Polish/Russian border, in the 8th
>century, it could be found all the way to western Europe. While the herd
>was brought back from extinction, from centuries of overhunting, by
>breeding from zoo stock, it never totally died out, and even then, the
>brink of extinction was in the 19th century A little smaller than the NA
>cousin, as it's more of a forest dweller than the wide open plains.

That's why i qualified the term, the American variety is different 
from the European variety. They aren't the same animal living in two 
locations. There are visible differences...

Anahita al-shazhiya

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