SC - SC- Best food for War

margali margali at
Mon Feb 28 14:46:41 PST 2000

Greetings from Germany!
I've finally gotten settled, and have email again.

I have been thinking of you all, as I've been exploring Berlin.  I've found
shops selling whole lambs, & lamb heads, and bulk spices including whole
mace blades.  Sugar cones are downright common -- they're even for sale in
the local grocery store.  (What I haven't found yet is beef steaks, in
American-style cuts and quantities.)   In all, it's a great place for a
feast, except that there's no SCA group anywhere nearby. :-{

The variety of food here in Berlin is just incredible!  I walk down our
district's main street & it's all I can do to resist buying a little bit of
everything.   To give you some idea, within walking distance there are at
least half a dozen bakeries full of delectable pastries and breads, 2
confectioners shops specializing in wonderful chocolates,  fresh veggie
stands, cheese shops, sausage vendors, roast-chicken vendors, pretzel
bakers, ice cream parlors, and coffee shops, not to mention IMBISS
(take-out) stands with fresh roast Thuringer Bratwurst (Yum!) or Turkish
döner (roast lamb (?) slivers  in a bun with chopped veggies, sheep cheese
& garlic sauce) all within 2 or 3 blocks of one another -- and that's just
on the main street! There are more on the side streets. Most of the shops
are open to the street (even in foul weather), so you can smell the aromas
of the food  as you pass by.

There are weekly street markets all over the city.  Some have fresh meats,
sausages, cheeses, etc., and others are like flea markets. I've been
keeping an eye out for old cookbooks, but haven't scored any yet.

Y'all have a standing invitation to dinner if you're out this way.


cindy at

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