SC - OOP Regrets from Olaf about Pennsic

Jim Revells sudnserv5 at
Thu Jul 13 10:42:37 PDT 2000

OK guys, I hate to do this, but I've gotta sign off for a while.

I'm finishing my final two weeks at work. Then the trucks comes to get our 
stuff our car and we go to visit my mom in Florida for a few days before 
flying out to Irvine.  I'm already behind on reading from the trip out there 
last month, and I don't see any chance soon to catch up.

Mordonna, we aren't driving, so I must decline your invitation to stop in on 
our way. :-(

Balthazar and Huette, one or both of you asked when we would be arriving, 
and did we need anything.  We'll be arriving in Irvine about August 10 or 
11.  I know that we don't need moving in help.  Depending on how many days 
ahead of the truck we arrive, we may want to borrow sleeping bags etc. to 
bunk down in the empty apartment.  Is that something you guys could help out 
with?  E-mail me privately.

I will be able to check my e-mail, if anything I might want to know comes 
up, forward it to me!  Otherwise, you guys behave yourselves!

Lady Bonne
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