SC - My anti modern cheese thing

Christine A Seelye-King mermayde at
Wed Jul 26 16:35:46 PDT 2000

Why not make the sauce in advance, and bring it on-site pre-made right up
to the point of adding the egg whites?  You could heat it up and finish
it then, and the alcohol would have been cooked, not to mention the fact
that you could have put it into a non-original container.   We had a
lengthly discussion of the ins and outs of alcohol use in cooking some
time back, and some felt that this would be dishonest.  However, alcohol
is produced in your body when you eat a variety of foods (1 banana
produces more alcohol in your body than the average dose of an alcohol
based herb tincture) so it is a matter of following the spirit of the
law, and also of fulfilling the letter of the law at the same time.  
I don't think grape juice would produce the same results, but it might be
tasty nevertheless, and would probably be worth a try.  In any case, it
is worth making up a batch or two in advance, just to get the egg white
technique down, which can be tricky.  

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 00:35:33 EDT AlviraMacD at writes:
> I'd like to do this sauce as one of the options for the roast at our 
> fall 
> feast.  
> Recipe 49: Swallenberg SauceRecipe 49: Swallenberg Sauce
> copyright 1995 Alia Atlas 
>   1/2 cup wine
>   1/2 cup honey
>   1/4 tsp ginger
>   1/8 tsp pepper
>   1/2 Tbsp garlic (minced finely with @ 1 tsp salt)
>   2 egg whites
> Mix the wine and honey together. Heat that until the honey melts. 
> Add the 
> ginger, pepper and garlic. Stir and turn the heat down low. Add the 
> egg 
> whites, 
> stirring continuously. When the sauce turns brown, or about five 
> minutes over 
> low heat, it is done. If there are solidified egg whites in the 
> sauce, strain 
> them out. Serve the sauce. 
> Introduction to Guter Spise Table of Contents
> Alia Atlas/ akatlas at 
>   But I have a problem.  The site is bone dry.  Even cooking with 
> wine could 
> lead to legal ramifications.  Can I substitute grape juice and have 
> a 
> palatable sauce?  Alvira
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