SC - pennsic menu- non-cooler, period recipes.

ekoogler at ekoogler at
Sat Jul 8 13:20:33 PDT 2000

Bogdan wrote:


> Breakfasts:
> Poached Eggs (insweet wine andwith sugar spice and vinegar as per Platina)
> Waffles (a couple of days, as we have different recipes...)
> scrambled eggs
> Brown Frys/Lost Bread
> Pokerounce
> Potage of Rys
> Lunches:
> Jerky
> fruits
> cheeses
> sausages
> stuffed eggs
> White pie (Platina)
> Lord's Salt and Bread
> Dinners:
> Alows de Beef (rolled, not ribs variety)
> Steaks (with mustard as one should serve with salted meat)
> Ravioli
> Meat Roman Style (Platina)
> Kid in Garlic (Platina)
> Pork cuts (Platina)
> Blancmange )TTEM)
> White dish (Dumplings) (Platina)
> Meat Pie (Platina)
> Armoured Turnips and Pears in Wine Syrup
> Appetizer of meat (Platina... period burgers, sort of...)

I'd really love it if you could post some, if not all, of these recipes.  We 
have a lot of new folks going to Pennsic from our Barony this year, and I'd 
love to share this information with them.
 Drinks will consist of pomegranite drink,
> lemon drink, water, and Mead (we make some of the BEST with Ld. Magod of
> Glastonbury....  stop by for a taste of some of his finest.  I'm just his
> pepperer.  If you haven't made a galingale mead, you haven't made
> mead...).
My lord, Phillip, is the mead-maker in our group...and he asked me if I could 
get you to get your friend to share the recipe for the galingale mead.  If he's 
willing to trade, Phillip says he'll share his cranberry mead recipe, which is 
dynamite!  We can't document it as being period, but it is certainly delicious, 
and always a big hit whenever he makes it!

Thanks a bunch!


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