SC - Aluminum and other metal pans

Tara Sersen tsersen at
Mon Jul 17 16:02:10 PDT 2000

> This was what my mother also used to say, due to aluminum being leached out
> of the pots. However, in a recent column posted on the Straight Dope Web
> Site, they state that you get more aluminum out of your
> deoderant/antiperperant than you would get out of the alumunium pots. And I
> don't **even** want to think of the ramifications of lots of
> people--especially people in garb--not using their Mitchum's....

When it really comes down to it, the Alzheimers-aluminum connection was
studied in people who were aluminum miners - people with extreme daily
exposure to the metal.  No study ever drew a connection between cookware
or deodorant and the disease.  So, I wouldn't worry in any case.  It's
just a good excuse for being forgetful sometimes ;)

Magdalena vander Brugghe

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