SC - Hatd Cheese Stefan (was Cressee webbed)

Nanna Rognvaldardottir nanna at
Tue Jul 4 09:24:19 PDT 2000

Akim wrote:
>Anyway back to cheeses, as I have digressed rather far from the topic
>at hand....I would love to hear from Nanna about Icelandic cheeses such
>as Skyr (sounds yummy), Mysingur, and their version of the Norwegian

I´ll try to find time to write something tonight or tomorrow. Pinguicula
vulgaris was often used to make skyr - lyfjagras (medicine grass) is the
most common name but others are hleypisgras (curdlegrass) and k¿sisgras
(fermenting grass). Sundew grows here too but I´m not sure if it was used in
the same way.

>Taettemaelk..... damn I can't even get an "ae" to work....

In this case you don´t have to, as "tettemelk" is far more common than


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