SC - Manual de mujeres #87-92

Dana Huffman letrada at
Fri Jul 14 15:11:56 PDT 2000

Sorry, no food in this one; I wanted to finish up my
original claim before I start on the end bit that I vulched
off its former claimant.  The post after the next will
start an improvement in the food vs. non-food ratio.  


87 Lejía para la cabeza

     Medio celemín de ceniza de sarmientos cernida, y una
almozada de ceniza de retama. Poner una caldera de agua de
río o fuente al fuego y, desque hierva, echar aquella
ceniza dentro, y dejarle dar dos hervores, y luego
apartarla y dejarla reposar hasta que se aclare. Y tomar
tanta cantidad de aquella lejía como un azumbre, y echarla
en un jarro vidriado, y echar dentro siete onzas de rasuras
blancas quemadas y tapar el jarro. Rallar onza y media de
jabón valenciano y echarlo dentro, y menearlo hasta que se
deslíe. Y peinarse o espumarse la cabeça con esta lejía al
sol, y después lavarse con otra lejía. Y cuando se peinaren
sea con aceite de alegría.

Bleach for the head [i.e. hair]
     Half a celemin [1] of sifted vine shoot ash, and a
double handful of broom ash.  Put a cauldron of river or
fountain water on the fire and when it is boiling, throw in
that ash, and let it boil twice [2], and then set it aside
and let it stand until it clears.  And take such a quantity
of that bleach as an azumbre [3], and put it in a glazed
pitcher, and put in seven ounces of burned white wine dregs
and cover the pitcher.  Grate an ounce and a half of
Valencian soap and put it in, and shake it until it
dissolves.  And comb or lather your head [i.e. hair] with
this bleach in the sun, and afterwards wash it with another
bleach.  And when you comb it, let it be with sesame

1: a dry measure of 4.6 liters

2: lit.: let it give two boilings/bubblings.  The image I
get is of letting it heave or turn over or some such thing
in its boiling, which probably doesn't take very long.

3: A modern azumbre is approximately 2 liters (1992 Real
Academia dictionary). The 1726 Real Academia dictionary
defines azumbre as 1/8 of an arroba or cantara, which is a
measurement used for wine.

88 Pebetes de olor para perfumar

     Tres onzas de menjuí, y una de estoraque y media de
ámbar; media cuarta de almizcle, un cuarto de algalia y
otro de lináloe, y medio cuarto de azúcar. Molido todo y
junto con dos onzas de carbón de sauz muerto en agua de
azahar, y con un maravedí de miel y con una onza de goma de
gante deshecha en agua almizclada. Y amasado todo. Y hecha
masa, hacer los pebetes y secarlos a la sombra o al sol.

Sticks of scent for perfuming
     Three ounces of benzoin, and one of balsam and a half
of amber; half a quart of musk, a quart of civet [musk] and
another of aloe, and a quarter quart of sugar.  All ground
and mixed with two ounces of willow charcoal put out (lit.
killed) in citrus blossom water, and with a maravedi of
honey and with an ounce of gum tragacanth dissolved in musk
water.  And all kneaded.  And the dough made, make the
sticks and dry them in the shade or in the sun.

89 Polvillos de Chipre

     Tomar la hoja de la encina y secadla, y hazedla polvos
y masadla con agua almizclada. Y poner esta masa pegada
alrededor de una caja y perfumadla con pasticas dos o tres
veces cada día hasta que se enjugue. Y después de enjuta,
tornadla a moler y hacer masa con la misma agua, y
perfumarla de la misma manera. Y hacer esto tantas veces
hasta que hayan tomado los polvos el olor del perfume. Y
luego moledla y, muy polvorizada, juntaréis con ellos
almizcle y ámbar a vuestra voluntad. Y así serán hechos los
polvillos. Ternéis aviso que cuando perfuméis la masa
cubráis la caja muy bien con ropa, de manera que no salga

Cyprus dust
     Take the leaf of the holm/evergreen oak and dry it,
and make it [into] powder and mix it with musk water.  And
put this dough glued around a box and perfume it with
tablets two or three times every day until it drys.  And
after drying, grind it again and make dough with the same
water, and perfume it in the same manner.  And do this as
many times until the dust has taken the scent of the
perfume.  And then grind it and, finely ground, mix with it
musk and amber as you will.  And thus will be made the
dust.  You are advised [1] when you perfume the dough to
cover the box very well with clothing, in such a way that
smoke [i.e. fumes/vapors] do not escape.

1: I can find no translation or definition for "terner", so
I am assuming that this word should be "teneis" (from
"tener").  The phrase "teneis aviso" does appear in other
places in the work.

90 Ayuda muy buena

     Tres onzas de olio violado, otras tres de olio de
manzanilla y otras tres de manteca de vacas. Todo junto y

Very good help
     Three ounces of violet oil, another three of camomile
oil and another three of cow lard (or butter).  All
together and warm.

91 Untura para los pechos de paridas

     Ocho onzas de olio violado, media escudilla de zumo de
hierbabuena y otro tanto de zumo de perejil, una onza de
vinagre y ocho de agua rosada. Hierva todo junto en una
olla hasta que no quede más cantidad del aceite. Cuájenlo
con un poco de cera. Y después que haya parido la mujer,
cuatro o cinco horas, úntenle los pechos, y pónganle encima
de cada teta un paño horadado por donde salga el pecho. Y
fájenla con una faja limpia, y pónganle ençima unos paños
mojados en agua rosada. Y hagan esto una vez cada día hasta
que se le haya tirado la leche. Y desque no le venga leche,
pónganle encima de los pechos un paño encerado con cera, y
aceite de pepitas, y sebo de cabrito; y otro en el vientre
con cera y aceite de almendras dulces, y sebo de cabrón. Y
traiga estos paños lo que fuere su voluntad.

Ointment for the breasts of new mothers
     Eight ounces of violet oil, half a bowl of mint juice
and another as much of parsley juice, an ounce of vinegar
and eight of rose water.  Boil all together in a pot until
there remains no more quantity of oil.  Cook it with a
little wax.  And after the woman has given birth, four or
five hours, smear her breasts, and put over each breast a
cloth pierced where the breast emerges.  And bind it with a
clean sash/strip/belt, and put on top some cloths wetted
with rose water.  And do this once a day until her milk
starts [1].  And when her milk doesn't come [any more], put
on her breasts a cloth waxed with wax, and seed oil, and
kid fat/tallow; and another on her abdomen with wax and
sweet almond oil, and goat fat/tallow.  And she should wear
these cloths [as long] as she will.

1: or possibly, ends; I am not sure how to translate "se le
haya tirado".  A literal translation would be something
like "it has thrown/dropped/spilled/pulled/lasted/gone
itself to/of/from/about her", which could mean almost
anything but I think "starts" is slightly more likely (and
there's probably a better way to say it in English, too,
but it escapes me at the moment).

92 Remedios para los entuertos cuando acaban de parir

     Dar a beber a la mujer, en acabando de parir, triaca
desatada con agua de azahar. Y ponerle en el vientre una
tela de cabrón, y mudar esta tela de tercer a tercer día
tres veces.

     Ocho yemas de huevos fritos en aceite de manzanilla y
de eneldo, una ochava de alcaravea, y otra de paja de meca,
y otra de canela. Hecho polvos todo y polvorizadas las
yemas con ellos, pongan la mitad en el vientre y la otra
mitad en las caderas, caliente cuanto lo pueda sufrir.

     Cocer una gallina con mucha alcaravea, y alegría, y
perejil, y un poco de azafrán. Y denle a beber una
escudilla de aquel caldo caliente.

Remedies for afterpains after giving birth
     Give to the woman to drink, at the end of giving
birth, triaca [1] dissolved in citrus blossom water.  And
put on her abdomen a goat cloth, and change this cloth
every three days (?) [for a total of] three times.
     Eight egg yolks fried in oil of chamomile and dill, an
eighth of caraway, and another of straw of Mecca, and
another of cinnamon.  All made [into] powder and the egg
yolks powdered with them, put half on her abdomen and the
other half on her hips, as hot as she can stand it.
     Cook a hen with much caraway, and sesame (seed), and
parsley, and a little saffron.  And give her a bowl of that
hot broth to drink.

1: A combination of medicines used for venomous animal or
insect bites, usually containing opium (RAE 1992)

Dana Huffman

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