SC - Sauce question

Jenne Heise jenne at
Thu Jul 27 11:24:47 PDT 2000

> If brought to a boil, all of the alcohol will be driven off as alcohol vapor, 
> since alcohol evaporates at a much lower temperature than water (I want to 
> say 180 degrees...or is that the temperature at which egg-whites set?).  All 
> that is left behind is the flavor compounds present in the original wine, and 
> no alcohol. 

I've heard this before, and checked it out several times. It is possible
to remove most of the alcohol, if you cook for a long time in an open pan,
say the experts. But obviously  just bringing it to a boil will not do it,
any more than bringing a stew to a boil will remove all the water! The
amount of alcohol left in will vary from dish to dish, depending on how
much was in there to begin with, etc. etc.

I'm too damn lazy to go find the right citation for the research, but
here's a newspaper article on the subject:

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.

"They do not preach that their God will rouse them a little before the 
	nuts work loose. 
They do not preach that His Pity allows them to drop their job when 
	they damn-well choose. " -Kipling, "The Sons of Martha"

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