Cardomom Re: SC - Re: A question of re-creation

Jenne Heise jenne at
Fri Jul 28 12:51:11 PDT 2000

>I myself ran into 
> this at that same competition when a judge on one of my liqueurs marked me 
> down for not having grown my own cardamom.  When I asked her about the 
> comment she said that she had looked at my cooking entries and noticed that I 
> grew my own ingredients there and expected the same of the spices in my 
> brewing entries.  An unrealistic expectation but I have to admit that I 
> failed to put in my documentation that I purchased the cardamom because that 
> is what a French lady would have done during my time period.  My bad and I 
> deserved to lose points for it in my opinion.

*bangs head against wall* 
Cardomom in period was collected from the wild in India. 
Growing your own cardomom is not period for pre-17th century Western
Culture.  Ladies & Gents, if you have to justify not growing your own of
ingredients that were documentably only available as imports, that's
utterly unreasonable. It's in fact either acting out of unleashed
stupidity or demanding unperiod redactions. 


going off to treat my bruised sensibilities with ground cardomom
mixed with honey (Neuw Kreuterbuch..)

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.

"They do not preach that their God will rouse them a little before the 
	nuts work loose. 
They do not preach that His Pity allows them to drop their job when 
	they damn-well choose. " -Kipling, "The Sons of Martha"

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