SC - Long - Help with the sauce for Cormary recipe

sdrake steldr at
Thu Jun 1 07:24:25 PDT 2000

> My lord spoke to some gentles at the fireside who said that the door 
> thermometer is unreliable and that one needs to put an oven 
> thermometer inside.  Has anyone else found this to be true?  And can 
> I count on the door thermometer to be consistently unreliable; ie., 
> will it always read 50 degrees higher or lower than reality?  If I know
> it's just offset by a certain amount, that's easy to correct for.
> Lady Brighid ni Chiarain

	I have found the same to be true, and it usually errs on the side of
showing a lower temp. than what is inside.  As there is no insulation in
the thing, I imagine it is reading a combination of outside and inside
temperatures.  Once you get the feel for it though, you can turn down the
burner to regulate temperatures quite well.   I was using it once at
Pennsic to make scones for the Queen's Tea, the day after a huge
rainstorm.   It was quite windy that day, the typical sunny-breezy day
that follows a rain front like that.  I found that in order to keep the
heat up inside, I had to shield it from the wind, and as I had all of
this wet laundry around, I started draping wet towels around the box. 
Not only did this work wonderfully for the scones inside, having a bit of
moisture added to the oven, ALL of my wet towels got dried off, and I
ended up having to wet a couple down a few more times to get the rest of
the baking done.  I found that the door thermostat never registered much
above 200 or 250 degrees, and I know the center of the oven was closer to
350 degrees to accomplish the bake I was getting.  
	Keep playing with it, you will get the hang of it and you will love it. 
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