SC - Recipe chalange: try this... LrdRas at
Thu Jun 1 07:36:13 PDT 2000

More questions for my Breakfast class:
	I taught my new "Breaking the Fast, or, What Did They Eat For
Breakfast?" this weekend, and it went very well.   We started talking
about the references to beer and wine in many of the listings of what
people were allotted for breakfast, and the question about the SCA not
giving out alcohol came up.  What I am wondering is, what kind of beer
would have been served?  Is "small beer" a lighter, lower-alcohol version
of what would have been drunk later in the day?  I have a recipe for a
lemon-beer, three days, 10 lemons, some sugar, a package of baking yeast,
water, and voila!, you have a fizzy lemon drink, not enough fermentation
to have much alcohol (and just how much is another question, when does it
cross that line and become too much to be used for our purposes) but just
enough to be fizzy.  I don't think this is a period recipe, but it is a
very simple, easy to make beverage.  I am wondering if we are dealing
with something similar when the sources refer to these as morning
beverages.  I know that wine was often drunk watered, and again, I wonder
at what point the alcohol level is low enough to be considered null and
	I'm not interested in getting anyone in trouble for breaking SCA rules,
but Iam interested in getting a better idea of exactly what strength of
beverages we're talking about here. 

"Breakfasts in Lent: 
My Lord and My Lady -- a loaf of bread in trenchers, 2 manchets, a quart
of beer, a quart of wine..."

"...THE KYNG for his brekefast, ...dim' gallon of ale. " (A demi-gallon?)

"Queen Elizabeth's breakfast was 'manchet, ale, beer, wine and a good
pottage made of mutton or beef'."
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